Board of Commissioners

At present, the Company’s Board of Commissioners consists of three members. They are the President Commissioner, Vice President Commissioner, and Commissioner cum Independent Commissioner.

The Board of Commissioners is the Company’s organ with a function to supervise and provide advice to the Directors and collectively reports to the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS).


Changes to the Board of Commisseioner Composition
In 2022 there were no changes to the Board of Commissioners composition.


President Commissioner

Graduated with an MBA degree from the Golden Gate University, San Francisco, United States of America, in 1988. He started his career as a Corporate Business Development Manager of PT Ciputra Development Tbk and was promoted to Director in 1990. Subsequently, he was appointed as Director at a number of Ciputra Group’s companies. Candra Ciputra is a 59-yearold Indonesian citizen. He was appointed as the Company’s Vice President Commissioner on 18 June 2003 and then as the President Commissioner on 15 June 2011. He also serves as President Commissioner at one of the Company’s subsidiaries. He is concurrently serving as President Director of PT Ciputra Development Tbk (appointed in 2002), President Commissioner of PT Ciputra Residence (since 2015), President Commissioner of PT Jaya Real Property Tbk (since 2020), Commissioner of PT Damai Indah Golf Tbk (since 2020), and President Commissioner of PT Pembangun Jaya (since 2020).


Vice President Commissioner

Graduated with an MBA degree from Drexel University, Philadelphia, United States of America, in 1996. He started his career at PT Asuransi CIGNA Indonesia with his last position as Direct Marketing Manager. He later pursued his career with several banks and his last position was as Direct Marketing Manager of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited. He then served as Director of PT Boga Prima Rasa and PT Kencana Langgeng Rasa, and as Commissioner of PT Info Cahaya Hero. Ben Aristarchus Widyatmodjo is a 53-year-old Indonesian citizen. He was appointed as the Company’s Vice President Commissioner on 15 June 2011. He is concurrently serving as Director of PT Kencana Langgeng Rasa (since 2005), PT Metropolitan Development (since 2016), and PT Metropolitan Persada Indonesia (since 2016), President Commissioner of PT Industri Tata Udara Airconco (since 2018), as well as Commissioner of PT Info Cahaya Hero (since 2004) and PT Metropolitan Bayutama (since 2016). He also serves as President Commissioner at one of the Company’s subsidiaries.


Independent Commissioner

Graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia in 1994, and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Prasetiya Mulya School of Management, Jakarta, Indonesia in 1987, MSc in Urban Development from University College London (UCL), England in 1996, and MA in Education for Gifted Children from University of Connecticut, USA in 2010. He also obtained a Doctorate degree in Distance Education from Athabasca University, Canada in 2017. He worked with Ciputra Group for 31 years from 1987 to 2018, with his last position as a Senior Director. Antonius Tanan is a 63-year old Indonesian citizen. He was appointed as the Company’s Independent Commissioner and Chairperson of the Audit Committee on 26 June 2020. He is concurrently serving as Independent Commissioner (appointed in 2020) and Chairman of the Audit Committee (appointed in 2022) at PT Ciputra Development Tbk.


At present, there are four members of the Directors, consisting of a President Director and three Directors. Agus Honggo Widodo, Director, is responsible for managing the Distribution Business Unit. Sjafril Effendi, Director, is responsible for managing the Solution Business Unit. Randy Kartadinata, Director, is responsible for managing the Company’s finances.

The Directors is the Company’s organ endowed with the full authority and responsibility for managing the Company for the benefit of the Company, according to the Company’s purpose and objectives, and for representing the Company in and out of the court under provisions in the Articles of Association.


Affliations and Concurrent Positions
No members of the Directors are affliated to the majority or controlling shareholders, members of the Board of Commissioners, or other members of the Directors. No members of the Directors have any concurrent positions in companies outside of PT Metrodata Electronics Tbk.

Changes to the Directors Composition
In 2022 there were no changes to the Directors composition.


President Director

Graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta, Indonesia in 1992, and a Master’s degree in Business Law from Pelita Harapan University, Jakarta, Indonesia in 2005. He started his career at Mizuho Bank (formerly Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank) in 1991 as operational staff. He later joined Tempo Group as a Finance Manager, and then assumed the position of Corporate Treasurer, and then as Branch Offce Manager for the Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Area. He was Lecturer of Financial Management at the Faculty of Economics, Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta, Indonesia from 1991 to 2000. He joined the Company in 1997 as Cash Flow Manager, Treasury Manager, and was subsequently promoted to Treasury Division Manager and later as Corporate Secretary. Susanto Djaja is a 54-years old Indonesian citizen. He was appointed as the Company’s Director in 2007 and as the President Director on 26 May 2010. He also serves as President Commissioner and Commissioner at several of the Company’s subsidiaries.



Graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Tarumanagara University, Jakarta, Indonesia in 1992. He started his career with Siddharta, Siddharta and Harsono/ Coopers and Lybrand International Public Accounting Firm, in 1992 as Senior Auditor. He later served as Manager of PricewaterhouseCoopers and KPMG before continuing to serve in Lippo, Murdaya, Salim and Ciputra groups of companies in various capacities as Senior Management and Director. Randy Kartadinata is a 54-year-old Indonesian citizen. He was appointed as the Company’s Financial Director cum Corporate Secretary on 1 October 2010. On 8 May 2014, he was appointed as the Company’s Independent Director and as Corporate Secretary. Then, on 27 May 2019, he was reappointed as the Company’s Director and concurrently as the Corporate Secretary. He also serves as Commissioner of PT Mitra Integrasi Informatika, a subsidiary.



Graduated with a degree in Computer Science from Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta in 2005. He started his career at the Company in 2006 as Business Representative, and became Business Manager in 2008. Promoted to become Division Manager in 2011 at PT. Synnex Metrodata Indonesia. He was promoted as the Company's Director in 1 January 2014 and as the President Director of PT Mitra Integrasi Informatika since 18 July 2022 until now.



Graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Accountancy from Trisakti University and a Master’s degree in Applied Finance from Bina Nusantara University, she started her career with the company in 1996.

She joined PT Metrodata Electronics Tbk from various accountancy fields before being promoted to Finance Controller. Surhang Aiwan was appointed Company Director in 2011, and later the President Director of a subsidiary PT Synnex Metrodata Indonesia on January 2024.

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PT. Metrodata Electronics, Tbk.

APL Tower 37th Floor 
Jl. Letjen S. Parman Kav. 28
Jakarta 11470

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