Executive Summary
As a commercial vehicle’s provider, PT Hino Motors Sales Indonesia (“HMSI”) continues to innovate and catch up with technology advancement. As business grows, data becomes big and very important. Realizing this, HMSI strongly supports digitization by utilizing advanced technologies to implement Data Warehouse on AWS.
PT Hino Motors Sales Indonesia is a subsidiary of Hino Motors, Ltd (Japan) which focuses on distributing Hino brand commercial vehicles through authorized dealers throughout Indonesia to provide all customers with easy access to Hino vehicles in their area.
As a commercial vehicle provider, HMSI has strong business lines in Trucks (Duto, Ranger, Profia) and Buses (Hino brands) with target market of companies that provide transportation services.
In line with business growth, HMSI adopt technology advancement, by implementing Data Warehouse on AWS (Redshift and S3) and Data Visualization (Tableau). For HMSI, data is a crucial role because with data, the company can make quick decisions and use targeted data for new potential business opportunities.
Business Challenges
Due to growing business, the company wants to get better information, insight from the existing data, which can assist in company decision making process, especially around Dealer Analysis, Unit in Operations Analysis, Telematics Data Analysis captured through sensors on vehicles.
Currently, Hino group companies have a lot of data spread across several different systems within different application platforms, so team need a 'one single data repository’ that can store the whole dataset and can be accessed for analysis as per business requirements.
Then, how Metrodata helped to solve this challenge?
Arthur Gultom, IT Department Head, PT Hino Motors Sales Indonesia said that HMSI has set a timeline for the Datawarehouse Project.
Development of Telematics, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Dealer Management System (DMS) will use Amazon Web Service (AWS) Cloud technologies for Data Warehouse solutions, tools and services.
“In addition to the maturity level of AWS technology, we also considered a very large data set hosted on AWS using AWS S3 and Redshift technologies and Data Visualization using Tableau, as well as building ETL processes using AWS Glue to pull data from various sources needed,” said Arthur.
"HMSI decided to collaborate with PT Metrodata Electronics Tbk, as an AWS Advance Consulting Partner who has proven methodology and approach, to implement based on the timeline throughout the project provided by HMSI," continued Arthur.
The decision to use the PaaS model can result faster time to get the value from the company's data, so that companies can focus on analyzing, enriching, and transforming company data into useful information insights for company decision making.
By building a Data Warehouse using AWS technology, the company managed to get the benefits of placing data into a 'one single source of truth' and succeeded in developing 65 use cases and 5 dashboards to scale and re-invent their business with data.
§ Extensive scalability and integration to multiple platforms which makes it easy and fast to implement
§ The single data source makes data management more effective, optimal and standardized
§ Enabled the whole organization moved towards data-driven business operations
§ Productivity increases with automated job processing available anytime
§ 100% increase in data-querying capabilities without service changes
§ Moving to AWS has also increased the performance of the systems, and in terms of average response
times, the system is running around 40 percent faster on the AWS Cloud
§ Increased storage capacity and helped to lowers stock losses with better insight
§ Achieves record time-to-market for new products
§ Maintains revenue with more efficient distribution channels
About HINO Motors
PT Hino Motors Sales Indonesia (HMSI) is the subsidiary of Hino Motors, Ltd. (Japan). HMSI distributes Hino brand commercial vehicles through authorized Dealers throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia to provide comfort for all customers in gaining easy access to Hino Vehicles in their area.
About Metrodata
PT Metrodata Electronics Tbk, a public listed company in Indonesian Stock Exchange since 1990 (IDX: MTDL) is a well-known Information and Communication Technology (ICT) company in Indonesia that partners with world-class ICT companies. Metrodata currently has its main business unit which is the Digital Distribution Business (Providing World-Class ICT Hardware and Software); the Digital Solutions and Consulting Business (Digital Solution Provider to Help Companies Achieving Digital Transformation) provides complete ICT solutions based Metrodata’s 8 pillars of Digital Solution, which are Cloud Services, Data & AI, Hybrid IT Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, Business Application, Digital Business Platform.
PT. Metrodata Electronics, Tbk.
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Jl. Letjen S. Parman Kav. 28
Jakarta 11470
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